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What to do if your saddle is slipping forward

It is a common problem for riders that have horses with 'flatter' withers that the saddle slips forward. Don't worry there are solutions out there for you to fix this problem. We have done the research of what the most common strategies are to best solve the problem for saddle slipping. These solutions apply mainly to english saddles such as jump saddles, all purpose saddles and dressage saddles.

1) Saddle fit

The number one area to look at if your saddle is slipping forward is if their may be a saddle fit issue. Make sure you get an experienced saddle fitter to look at the tree points of the saddle and why the saddle moves. Remember that even if it is expensive to get a saddle fitter it will benefit both you and your horse in the long term.

2) Correction Saddle Pads


Once you have established that it is not a saddle fit issue -  then you can start looking at correction saddle pads. There are a lot of saddle pads out there that can stop your saddle from sliding by putting extra padding under the front of the saddle or under the saddle panels on the rear of the saddle (depending on what your problem is). Once the riders weight and seat bones is adjusted by the correction pad, this might solve the problem of saddle slipping. You can further address the problem by also using a shaped girth which will assist keeping the saddle in place. However please note the girth area is very sensitive so make sure you get a quality girth, preferably anti-gall. Acavallo is known for their anatomically shaped girths.