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How to measure a english saddle seat

There is a common misconception that Western an English saddles are measured the same, which is not correct. A western saddle is measured from the centre points in the middle of the saddle while english saddles are measured from the centre of the cantle to the side of the pommel (either side). This is why you always need to go one size down from your english saddle when buying a western saddle.



Place a tape measurer at the centre the cantle measure to the nail head (look at the inch side of the tape measurer not the cm side). English saddle seat sizes are recorded every 0.5" so round up/down if you are a couple of cm off. Make sure you hold the tape measurer straight (don't bend it following the saddle shape). Once you've established what size your saddle is, you can then measure your upper leg to see what size you actually need as a rider. View our english saddle seat size calculator here.
