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What is Equine Shipping Fever?


When you're going to try any kinds of horse transport, you should consider the equine shipping fever.

Some of the horse - if it's a first time or the experienced horse, can have this so-called equine shipping fever. You need to understand it before letting your horse going on a trip.

Few owners are aware of the potential dangers of equine shipping fever and they believe that protecting their horses on a journey by bandaging limbs, supplying some haynet, and making sure the horses are safely secured and checking that their lorry is roadworthy.

There is always a minimal danger connecting in a long or even short trip, but as we can see, nowadays, there is a huge increase in transporting animals worldwide. Some are competition horses, family cobs and ponies being flown across continents.

You need to watch out these warning signs of equine shipping fever:

- Lethargy, depression, and loss of appetite
- Cough
- A nasal discharge, which may smell foul
- If the pneumonia is severe, it is very painful for horses to breathe, so they take shallow breaths
- The chest may be so sore that they do not want to move, pass dung or lie down. This can be mistaken for laminitis, colic or other illness

The air quality when traveling by road can be improved by good ventilation, but this is not so simple on a plane, where windows cannot be opened or dirty bedding easily offloaded.

It is really important to ensure that the horses are fit for the journey and they do not have any ongoing respiratory issues. It is also advisable to check their temperatures first before the journey.