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Agist a Horse For Free in Australia

Julia and her family didn't have a choice but to sell their horse -
until they found a way to keep their horse for free. Read Julia's letter here:

I have some information I'd like to share with your audience, as the horse sport is so expensive I'd like to share some information that might be of interest to your readers.

Did you know that you can agist you horse for free in Australia?
Me and my friend Jess discovered this recently as we were too poor to keep our horses.. We have double checked this is legal with our lawyer (family friend) and he assisted us in writing a guide on how to do it. :)

The guide has helped our friends to make their dream of owning a horse come true, hence we want to help other Aussies to do the same! The last bit of the guide also outlines how to buy your dream horse without any cash. I have done both of these things and I'm now sharing this information as horses does not just have to be a rich people hobby. The start of the guide explains the step by step process you need to take to agist your horse for free and it has been tailor made for each state.

All we are asking is to cover cost of creating the report (about 50 x copies per state), any extras will go straight to my horse Bonnie :)

xx Julia

PS, Make sure you buy the right report for your state ($19), and if you have friends or family in another state you can buy a second guide at the same time for half price ($9.50).

Click here to Download Your copy