Horse Saddles and Tack
Saddles and horse tacks are essential in the daily use of a horse whether for riding, driving or racing. It is essential you invest in quality horse tack to make sure you stay safe in the saddle. Choosing the right tack or saddle for the horse will depend on a number of reasons including the size of the horse, the type of horse, the usage of the horse, the skill of the rider and the area in which the horse is to be ridden. As a novice western rider, a very simple set up will be made up of a saddle, a cinch and pad and a bit and bridle. Browse over 50 saddles and make sure you select a saddle suitable for your horse and a pad that is thick enough to allow comfort, but not too thick, that it causes the saddle to slide off. The saddle ought to fit in the right manner and place. A saddle that does not fit will tend t cause unnecessary pressure points and thus cause injury to the animal. These will be unsafe for both the animal and the rider.
The discipline that the rider chooses will determine the type of saddle you decide to use, we stock western saddles, stock saddles and most english saddles. The horse saddles used by western rider tends to have more bling and well decorated. They are also quite light and can be easily moved. The ropers tend to prefer the heavier saddles that have reinforced horns, which allow for some poise I fast movement. They also enable control without the hands or with a single hand. If a saddle fits poorly it can be alleviated and mollified by the right padding. However, the performance of the river and the horse will be reduced, as both will not be acting at their best.
Our Horse saddles and tack are available with free shipping across Australia. Keep your horse kitted out in the latest gear & horse saddles. Happy shopping, let us know if you have any questions. Our customer service is available 7 days per week.