When/How did you and Jeopardy first meet, and was there love at first sight?
I first met Jeopardy in December 2015. I had no intention on buying a horse, I was only bringing her back into work for my boss who was selling her. However I ended up falling in love and buying her. It was definitely love at first site! After one ride on her I wanted her to be mine.
What discipline are you and Jeopardy interested in/currently focusing on?
Jeopardy is an all rounder so she excels in eventing, sporting, hacking and dressage. But our main focus is hacking.
Does Jeopardy have any hidden talents?
Jeopardy know how to open and close gates which is very handy at times when I am to lazy to get off her.
Do you train with a regular coach, if so who?
I am self taught however I have had a few lessons with different instructors.
What's Jeopardy's favourite treats?
Jeopardy loves banana lollies.
What's your biggest achievement to date together?
Our biggest achievement to date is from the Robertson show this year when we took home the Glen Shepard Supreme Bending Champion and overall Reserve Champion Galloway in hacking. For my second ever year of competing this was unbelievable for me.
Do you have any set goals set for the coming year?
Our goal for the coming year is to bring home a Champion title.
Who's Jeopardy's best friend and why?
Jeopardys best friend is my 11 month old gelding Kai. He was rejected by his mum at birth and I assisted with raising him at my work until my parents surprised me on my 17th Birthday with him when he was 5 months old.
Does Jeopardy have any vices?
Jeopardys only vice is when she gets in her moody mare moments. However she doesn't do anything dangerous or cheeky, instead she just pins her ears back at you when she's over you giving her attention.
Have you ever fallen off Jeopardy, if so how many times, and what happened?
I have only fallen off Jeopardy once. It was a silly fall that occurred from her refusing a 80cm jump and coming to a complete stop, then changing her mind and jumping it from a stand still. She flung me out of the saddle and all I remember is looking up at her belly as she tip toed around me. The good side is that she cleared it and didn't step on me.
What makes Jeopardy so special?
Jeopardy is so special because she has a can do attitude and always tries her heart out. She is so calm and patient. She will stand still all day at a show and not fuss. Nothing worries her, semi trailer trucks have driven past her as she's being worked and she didn't even blink an eye. Seeing our progress over the time I have owned her makes me so happy. When I met her she would avoid contact and refused any jump you put her in front of. Now she is winning titles at Hack shows and winning her show jumping rounds.